““What I realised, through Global Girl, is that I’m actually a lot stronger than I think, and that with hard work and determination I can be whomever I want to be!”
Our programmes and activities have impacted 150 girls in 13 countries all over the world, each of whom is also changing their communities in every way. With each girl in every country who joins our programmes, we are one step closer to our vision of a global community of girls who are changemakers and transformation agents.
“Over 60% of Global Girl scholars were able to successfully execute their goals”
Global Girl Project’s impact has grown exponentially since our first scholar in 2015. All of our girls come from developing countries and disadvantaged or low income community groups. These girls face a limited future as they are usually expected to focus on house chores, get married early and most likely drop out of school early. Through its programmes, Global Girl Project unlocks the intrinsic potential within these girls and connects them to other girl leaders, creating a global network of change-makers who are invested in the health and growth of their communities.
The results presented below are derived from analysis of self-reported, evaluation forms for Global Girl Project scholars who participated in the Blended Learning Leadership Initiative and Cultural Exchange Programmes between 2018 and August 2020.